Donor Stories
“You may not be able to help the whole world, but you can make a difference in your community”
- Elizabeth P. Carter

Evelyn Culver Lloyd
The Lunch Lady’s Pantry Fund was established to honor the legacy of Evelyn Culver Lloyd by her daughter, Deborah Gaither. The fund provides meals and books for children in the Etowah County school system. Evelyn was the Children Nutrition Program Manager at Graham Elementary School in Talladega, AL for almost 40 years. She encouraged children to try new foods and to have fun doing it. Mrs. Lloyd passed away on May 19, 2018. She loved to read to children and help them when needed.
Margaret Tucker of Anniston, AL
“I created my fund with the Community Foundation because I trusted them and knew they would follow my wishes into the future.”
Margaret’s fund benefits the Opportunity Center where people with disabilities and at-risk individuals receive a chance for gainful, work-related training and/or employment opportunities in a competitive job market.

Harland Jones of
Oxford, Alabama
You may know Harland Jones from around Oxford. Maybe you saw him volunteering his painting or plumbing skills at the Salvation Army or possibly you had been camping, hunting or fishing with him. Most of his friends called him “Jones” and sought his advice about horses, home remodeling, getting that engine running, or just needing a cord of seasoned firewood. Harland’s home was always open to friends and neighbors. His covered back porch was a favorite spot to visitors any time of the year. Friends gathered there to discuss their lives, world events, and the best ways to tackle repairs. Children growing up in the neighborhood remember seeking his advice about relationships, homework, arguments among siblings or getting him to repair an item for them. Harland was known for his willing spirit and attentive ear. He was a modest man with impeccable manners. He lived very simply and always tried to help others. His work took him all over the world as a missile inspector in charge of teams of 12-20 soldiers and civilians.
A native of Gainesville, Georgia, Harland made Calhoun County his home in 1952 when he began working as an electronic engineer at Anniston Army Depot. As the years passed Harland enjoyed most all of them. When asked why he wanted to make a charitable gift to the Community Foundation he replied, “We are all stewards of what God has placed in our hands. I can’t just waste what I have saved, I have to make sure it continues to work and be of help to someone else.” This was Harland’s philosophy and it’s what motivated him each day of his life. Harland believed he should make a contribution each day through his work or learned skills.
While he never married nor had children of his own, he generously supported not-for-profit organizations that served children through meeting the most basic needs of food, shelter, health and clothing. His generous spirit will continue after his death through the two funds he established in 1999 with the Community Foundation. These funds: The Harland Jones Charitable Fund will award grants to promote and support literacy, education, safety, and development (moral and physical) of children up to age nineteen (19); and The Harland Jones Scholarship Fund will provide funding for any high school student in our region attending any institution of higher education. Priority will be given to seniors with strong moral character, discernable academic ability, recognized school and community service, and documented financial need.
Harland played a significant role in the life of the Foundation. He was among the first donors to the Foundation and had the vision to see what we could achieve. Through these funds’s his generous and caring legacy will live on. His scholarship will change the trajectory of many students’ lives through his, and he will help to support the needs of our region’s youth.
He was 87 at his death. We honor his life and his legacy.
Dr. William Howard and Jessie Aiken
Hodges Kryder, Faithful Servants Leave
$1.5 Million Legacy
Longtime Minister of the First Presbyterian Church of Anniston and wife, Dr. William Howard and Jessie Aiken Hodges Kryder, left a generous and lasting gift to many. The Kryders trusted the Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama to steward their legacy by creating five separate funds for the following beneficiaries: First Presbyterian Church of Anniston, Agnes Scott College, Columbia Theological Seminary, Presbyterian College and Union Theological Seminary. Each organization will receive annual distributions according to guidelines specified for each fund by the Kryders. Studious and focused, Bill earned a bachelor’s degree from Presbyterian College, a bachelor of divinity from Union Theological Seminary, and a master of theological studies from Princeton Theological Seminary. In addition, he was awarded a Doctor of Divinity degree from Lyon College. Ordained in 1947, his ministry included positions in six states, culminating in his role at First Presbyterian Church in Anniston, where he served from 1973 until his retirement in 1988.

Farley Moody Galbraith
Farley Moody Galbraith of Anniston lived a long and generous life. Born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama to Frank M. and Sarah McCorkle Moody, Farley was married for 42 years to the late Wilfred Galbraith, editor of The Anniston Star for 18 years.
Mrs. Galbraith was a graduate of Sweet Briar College and received her B.A. degree in History at the University of Alabama. This degree is reflected throughout her life’s work and volunteer spirit to support and grow her community.
The Farley Moody Galbraith Scholarship Fund was established in 2007 to provide supplemental funding for full-time enrolled students to attend the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. The scholarship is renewable annually. Since inception two students have completed their undergraduate studies. The Farley Moody Galbraith Fund was established in 2016 to provide charitable grants to not-for-profits throughout our region. The purpose of these grants is unrestricted but consideration will be given to areas historically supported by Mrs. Galbraith.
Farley volunteered much of her time serving on community boards and chairing events. She served as chairman of the special gifts division with the Calhoun County United Way; was a member of the YMCA board of directors; the International House for exchange students at Jacksonville State University; a member of the board of directors of Anniston Community Theatre; a member of the Anniston Museum’s Special Exhibit Committee, spending much of her time with the Children’s Hands-On-Division; and a member of the Friends of the Library; and, for many years she was a member of the Society for the Fine Arts of life at the University of Alabama and sponsor of the Sarah McCorkle Moody Art Gallery.
Farley was 93 at her death. We gratefully acknowledge her generosity and impact on our community.
Mrs. Stanton B. IngramNovember 11, 1916—December 17, 2006
When one reads or hears comments about Jane Rice Ingram, they all seem to resonate with the image of welcoming and hospitality. Her family and friends recall her smile and the warmth of her personality. “She simply enjoyed people regardless of age or status,” commented Rush Jordan, a close friend for many years. “Jane was always widening the circle, bringing people together.”
In 2001, Mrs. Ingram established a charitable fund at the Community Foundation. Annually, she made grant recommendations to several organizations in Calhoun County. Upon her death, Mrs. Ingram left a bequest to the Mrs. Stanton B. Ingram Charitable Fund at the Community Foundation. This fund will continue her legacy of giving by providing grants in education, the arts and human services.

George and Louise Ritch
with granddaughter,
The photo captures a glimpse into the lives of George and Louise Ritch. For many years the Ritches owned a pharmacy in the Mountain Brook area of Birmingham. The Ritches were known for their generous spirit through numerous contributions to local charities and universities. Their dedication to family and community was an inspiration to all who knew them.
In 1990, George and Louise experienced the tragic loss of their son, Bill, and in 1999, the death of their daughter-in-law. George and Louise then moved to Cropwell, Alabama to care for their adult granddaughter, Alison, who was born with a mental disability; thus, they knew the joys and struggles of families caring for adult children with special needs. During their later years, Alison moved to Rainbow Omega in Eastaboga, Alabama. This wonderful organization provides living accommodations, meaningful work opportunities and recreational activities for adults with developmental disabilities.
With the assistance of the Community Foundation, George and Louise established two charitable funds. The Ritch Designated Fund is designed to support the charitable work of Rainbow Omega. In addition, the Ritch Field of Interest Fund was established to distribute grants to nonprofit organizations providing care, services and programs for adults with developmental disabilities in northeast Alabama.
George and Louise will always be remembered for their generous hearts and commitment to their family and community. Mrs. Ritch was 85 when she died in 2006. Mr. Ritch died in 2008 just after his 90th birthday. The Community Foundation was honored to assist them in achieving this enduring legacy.

Andrew J. “Hank” Saks
April 10, 1909 – October 3, 2003
Elizabeth “Bette” Bryan
Wilkinson Saks
December 26, 1914 – January 5, 2005
Mr. and Mrs. Saks became the Foundation’s first members of The Anvil Society soon after they made their first gift in 1999. Upon the death of Mrs. Saks, a bequest of their entire life’s work was gifted to the Community Foundation in support of the Joseph and Amelia Saks Scholarship Fund in honor of Mr. Sak’s parents. Though Hank and Bette had no children of their own, they desired to provide renewable scholarships for graduates of Saks High School, which is part of the Calhoun County School System.
This bequest continues a family tradition that originated in 1910 when Joseph and Amelia Saks donated the land for the first public school located just north of Anniston. The one room schoolhouse has grown to include three campuses, with more than 1,500 students.