The Impact of Philanthropy on Society
January 29, 2024
Winston Churchill was widely known as an inspirational statesman, writer, and orator who stated, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” CFNEA’s E2 Program has proven lives, families, and future generations can be changed and positively impacted through philanthropy.
Today, we want to highlight the remarkable journey of three ladies and their families who have overcome many personal challenges, generational limitations, and stereotypical statistics to accomplish their goals. On December 13, 2023, three students graduated from CFNEA’s E2 Program and Gadsden State Community College.
Andrea Johnson Fitzpatrick graduated with a degree in Electronic Engineering Technology – associate in applied science degree (A.A.S) completing with honors and distinction; Dakota S. Johnson graduated with a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) – associate in applied science degree (A.A.S), and Eulalia Diego Francisco, graduated the Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and associate of science in general studies degree (A.S). All three ladies and their families have changed the trajectory of their futures and families by their accomplishments. Recent studies on education data found that the return on investment (ROI) for completing an associate’s degree increases a person's and family's earning potential by 39%.
The Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama champions thriving communities and strives to improve lives through collaborative partnerships by awarding grants and scholarships. Working with our partners throughout northeast Alabama, CFNEA created the E2 Program.
Funded through the Stringfellow Health Fund, the E2 Program focuses on education, employment, and a two-generational strategy to reduce the number of people living below the poverty level. Since its inception of the E2 program, the Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama is proud to partner with various organizations in Etowah County, including:
- Gadsden State Community College – postsecondary education
- East AlabamaWorks – employment pathways
- Gadsden-Etowah County Head Start – early childhood education
- Family Success Center – early childhood education, counseling, and economic support
- United Way of Etowah County – social capital (volunteering)
- Etowah County Rural Transportation – transportation
- Gadsden Career Center – employment pathways
- YMCA of Coosa Valley – health & well-being
- Gadsden City Schools – student participants